感谢供稿 ASME GDTP S-3990
ASME Y14.5.1 2019-Mathematical Definition Of Dimensioning And Tolerancing Principles尺寸与公差标注原理的数学定义,上一版本距今已有25年。这里的更新不是否定过去(是不是像某位总统),而是丰富和优化内容,既然是数学定义,那应该是恒古不变的吧。所以,这一版本还不是完全针对ASME Y14.5 2018-Dimensioning and Tolerancing做的数学解释而是ASME Y14.5 2009。为了不让大家太着急,ASME Y14 Committee这次特意给了个计划,下一版本的ASME Y14.5.1预计在2022出版,有点像2020.9.16号的苹果发布会,标粉期待的还是少了点什么。
言归正传,本期主要聊一聊ASME Y14.5.1对轮廓度评定标准的变化,兜兜转转这么多年,最终还得向ISO看齐。其实原来的判定标准也没有错,只是在大多数情况下,看的不是过程而是结果,除非要做问题分析。下面就具体说一下,这一版的轮廓度判定原则增加了一个参数“g”,Growth Parameter,这里姑且翻译为:增长量。具体的英文说明,大家可以查阅标准的46~47页,我这里就不当搬运工了,什么都没有图示来的简单明了。
Actual Value. The actual value of a profile tolerance is based on an enveloping zone called the actual zone that is generated in the same way as the tolerance zone. This concept applies in the same way to equally disposed, unequally disposed, and unilateral profile specifications. The generating line segment of the tolerance value t 0 is lengthened or shortened by an equal amount at each end. The length change at each end is called the growth parameter g. The line segment for the actual zone has a length equal to t0 + 2g. The actual zone has the minimum g necessary to contain the actual surface.
(1) If the actual zone is contained within the tolerance zone, the growth parameter g is negative.
(2) If the actual zone is not contained within the tolerance zone, g is positive.
(3) If the actual zone is equivalent to the tolerance zone, g = 0.
NOTE_1: Any necessary truncation is performed after the lengthening or shortening of the line segments. NOTE_2: This Section defines the actual value of a uniform profile tolerance in the context of a single feature in a given candidate datum reference frame. Applications involving multiple features and optimization within degrees of freedom are addressed in para. of this Standard.
The value after the Ⓤ symbol for the actual zone is not part of the actual value definition, but can be calculated using the expression ( tu + g).
为了方便后续内容的展开,我还是搬了一点原文,没想到,这么快打脸了。一句话:实测轮廓度值= t0 + 2g.,g有正有负还可能为0且取其最小化值。但请注意英文段落里的两个NOTE,NOTE_2本期不涉及,期待下一次。
(* 点击小图看大图)
天下同归而殊途,一致而百虑。通过上面的例图,ASME对轮廓度的计算保留双边的判断且过程上要比ISO曲折的多,但ASME和ISO的轮廓度实测值Actual Value是完全相同。
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